Finding a fresh produce supplier that offers quality vegetables and fruits at a competitive price is often tricky.
Low pricing can often mean subpar quality, while a perfect product often comes with an incredibly steep price tag.
From the farm to your store. Get fresh produces reliably delivered according to your business demands.
At JM Fresh we are dedicated to providing quality produces at competitive pricing ensuring that our partners always have access to the best supplies in Singapore. In addition, we are:
Cost-Efficient - Arguably unbeatable price to quality ratio
Reliable - We maintain high quality-control standards
Customer Service Oriented - Available to answer all questions or address concerns
Efficient - Your produce will be delivered on time every time
With an advanced delivery fleet and state of the art coldroom to ensure optimum freshness at every step of the supply chain, discover why our partners trust us to supply fresh greens for their stores day after day.
Here is a list of our available vegetables & fruits
- Asparagus [芦笋]
- Asparagus AA / M [泰国中芦笋]
- Asparagus Pencil [泰国小芦笋]
- Bamboo Shoot [竹笋]
- Bean Sprout [豆芽]
- Bean Sprout Soya Large [黄豆芽]
- Bean Sprout Special Silver [銀芽]
- Beetroot [甜菜根]
- Bittergourd [苦瓜]
- Broccoli [西兰花]
- Broccolini [西兰花仔]
- Brussel Sprouts [抱子甘藍]
- Banana Leaf [香蕉叶]
- Cabbage Beijing [北京包菜]
- Napa Cabbage (Wongbok) [大白菜]
- Cabbage Mini [娃娃菜]
- Cabbage Purple (Red) [紫包菜]
- Cabbage Round [包菜]
- Capsicum Green [青灯笼椒]
- Capsicum Red [红灯笼椒]
- Capsicum Yellow [黄灯笼椒]
- Carrot [红萝卜]
- Cauliflower [白菜花]
- Celery Chinese [芹菜]
- Celery Stalk [西芹]
- Chili Green [青辣椒]
- Chili Padi Green [青小辣椒]
- Chili Padi Red [小红辣椒]
- Chili Red [红辣椒]
- Chye Sim [菜心]
- Chye Sim Hong Kong [香港菜心]
- Corn Baby [玉米心]
- Corn Sweet White / Bi-Colour [白玉米]
- Corn Sweet Yellow (2pcs) [黄玉米]
- Crystalline Iceplant [水晶冰菜]
- Cucumber Japanese [日本黄瓜]
- Cucumber Local [黄瓜]
- Cucumber Old [老黄瓜]
- Curry Leaves [咖哩叶]
- Dou Miao [豆苗]
- Eggplant (Long Brinjal) [长茄子]
- Eggplant Round [圆茄子]
- Endive Belgium [苦白菜]
- French Bean [四季豆]
- Fine Bean Harricot [细四季豆]
- Fennel [茴香]
- Garlic Minced [碎蒜头]
- Garlic Peeled [去皮蒜头]
- Garlic Whole [蒜头]
- Ginger Blue (Galangal) [高良姜]
- Ginger Old [老姜]
- Ginger Yellow (Tumeric) [黄姜]
- Ginger Young [嫩姜]
- Ginger Peeled [去皮姜]
- Ginger (Rojak) Flower [姜花]
- Gobo (Burdock Root) [牛蒡子]
- Kai Lan [芥兰]
- Kai Lan Hong Kong [香港芥兰]
- Kai Lan Baby [芥兰仔]
- Kang Kong [空心菜]
- Ku Chye (Chinese Chives) [韭菜]
- Kow Wong (Yellow Chives) [韭黄]
- Kow Kee Chye [枸杞菜]
- Jiu Bai Chye [九白菜)
- Mustard Green [大菜]
- Nai Bai [奶白]
- Qing Bai Zai [青白仔]
- Qing Long Chye (Royale Chives) [青龙菜]
- Shanghai Green [上海青]
- Sweet Potato Leaf [番薯叶]
- Tang Oh [茼蒿]
- Ti Huang Miao (Emperor Sprout) [帝皇苗]
- Watercress [西洋菜]
- Xiao Bai Chye [小白菜]
- You Mai Chye [油麦菜]
- Lady Finger [羊角豆]
- Laksa Leaf [叻沙叶]
- Long Bean [长豆]
- Leek Flower [蒜花]
- Leek Local [大蒜葱]
- Leek Shironeji [北葱]
- Lemon Grass [香茅]
- Lime Leaf (Kaffir) [柠檬叶]
- Lime Seedless [无种子酸橙]
- Lime Small Calamansi [小酸橙]
- Lettuce Butterhead [牛油生菜]
- Lettuce Green Coral [青珊瑚生菜]
- Lettuce Iceberg [玻璃生菜]
- Lettuce Local [西生菜]
- Lettuce Mesclun [综合西洋沙拉菜]
- Lettuce Red Chicory [红白苦生菜]
- Lettuce Red Coral [红珊瑚生菜]
- Lettuce Romaine [罗曼生菜]
- Lettuce Romaine Baby [小罗曼生菜]
- Arugula (Rocket) [芝麻菜]
- Baby Spinach [生菠菜苗]
- Lotus Root [莲藕]
- Onion Red [红洋葱]
- Onion Red Peeled [去皮红洋葱]
- Onion Yellow [黄洋葱]
- Onion Yellow Peeled [去皮黄洋葱]
- Onion Purple Spanish [西班牙紫洋葱]
- Potato Baby [小马铃薯]
- Potato Local [马铃薯]
- Potato Local Peeled [去皮马铃薯]
- Potato Russet [美国褐色马铃薯]
- Potato Russet Peeled [去皮褐色马铃薯]
- Potato Sweet Local [番薯]
- Potato Sweet Japanese Purple [紫番薯]
- Potato Sweet Japanese Yellow [黄番薯]
- Pumpkin Butternut [葫芦金瓜]
- Pumpkin Japanese [日本金瓜]
- Pumpkin Local [金瓜]
- Pandan Leaves [班兰叶]
- Parsnip [欧防风]
- Radish Red [小红萝卜]
- Radish White (Daikon) [白萝卜]
- Root Celery (Celeriac) [根芹]
- Angled Luffa (Kak Kuay) [角瓜]
- Chayote (Chokos) [佛手瓜]
- Hairy Gourd (Marrow) [毛瓜]
- Spinach China [香港菠菜]
- Spinach Local Baby Bayam [苋菜苗]
- Spinach Local Bayam (Puay Leng) [苋菜]
- Spinach Local Heng Chye (Round) [圆苋菜]
- Snow Pea [荷兰豆]
- Sprout Alfafa [苜蓿芽]
- Sweet Pea [甜豆]
- Salted Vegetable [咸菜]
- Shallot - Peeled [去皮小葱]
- Spring Onion [青葱]
- Tomato L / XL [番茄]
- Tomato Cherry Honey [小甜番茄]
- Tomato Cherry Red [小红番茄]
- Tomato Cherry Yellow [小黄番茄]
- Tomato Momotaro [日本甜番茄]
- Tomato Roma [罗马番茄]
- Tapioca [木薯]
- Turnip (Mang Guang) [沙葛]
- Wintermelon [冬瓜]
- Yam [芋头]
- Zucchini Green [青西葫芦]
- Zucchini Yellow [黄西葫芦]
- Herb - Basil [罗勒]
- Herb - Basil Thai Sweet [泰国九层塔]
- Herb - Chervil [细叶芹]
- Herb - Chives [英韭菜]
- Herb - Corriander (Chinese Parsley) [芫西]
- Herb - Dill [莳萝]
- Herb - Mint [薄荷]
- Herb - Oregano [牛至]
- Herb - Parsley English [英国芫荽]
- Herb - Parsley Italian [意大利芫荽]
- Herb - Rosemary [迷迭香]
- Herb - Sage [鼠尾草]
- Herb - Tarragon [龙蒿]
- Herb - Thyme [百里香]
- Mushroom - Black Fungus [黑木耳]
- Mushroom - Button White [白蘑菇]
- Mushroom- Enoki [金针菇]
- Mushroom - Honshimeiji Brown [蟹味菇]
- Mushroom - Honshimeiji White [白玉菇]
- Mushroom - Oyster [蚝菇]
- Mushroom - Oyster King [杏鲍菇]
- Mushroom - Portobello [大饼菇]
- Mushroom - Shiitake [香菇]
- Mushroom - Swiss Brown [褐洋菇]
- Apple Granny Smith Green [青苹果]
- Apple Red Fuji / Royal Gala [红苹果]
- Avocado [牛油果]
- Banana Cavendish [香蕉]
- Blueberry [蓝莓]
- Coconut Thai [泰国香椰]
- Dragonfruit Red [红肉龙珠果]
- Grapefruit [红葡萄柚]
- Grapes Green [青葡萄]
- Grapes Red [红葡萄]
- Guava [番石榴]
- Honey Dew [哈密瓜]
- Honey Rockmelon Cantaloupe [红哈密瓜]
- Jackfruit Meat [菠萝蜜肉]
- Kiwifruit Green [奇异果]
- Kiwifruit Golden [黄奇异果]
- Lemon [柠檬]
- Lemon [柠檬]
- Mango [芒果]
- Mango Green [青芒果]
- Orange Valencia / Navel / Sunkist [橘子]
- Papaya [木瓜]
- Papaya Green [青木瓜]
- Passion Fruit [百香果]
- Pear Nashi [梨子]
- Pineapple Local [蜜黄梨]
- Pineapple Philippines [菲律宾黄梨]
- Pomelo [柚子]
- Pomegranate [石榴]
- Raspberry [红梅]
- Starfruit [杨桃]
- Strawberry [草莓]
- Strawberry [草莓]
- Watermelon Red [红西瓜]
- Unicurd Silken Tofu [滑豆腐]
- Unicurd Pressed Tofu [板豆腐]
- Unicurd Tau Kwa Large [大豆干]
- Unicurd Tau Pok [豆卜]
- Unicurd Tofu Egg [蛋豆腐]
- Wanton Skin Square [方云吞皮]
- Dumpling Skin Round [圆水饺皮]
- Yellow Noodle [黄面]
- Hor Fun [河粉]
- Kway Teow [果条]
- Laksa Noodle [粗米粉]
- Mee Thai Mak [老鼠粉]
- Fishcake [鱼饼]
- Egg [鸡蛋]